
Yaëlle Amsellem Mainguy: Yaëlle Amsellem-Mainguy has a doctorate in sociology and is an associate researcher at CERLIS. She works on the health and sexuality of youth. She is interested in gender relations during adolescence and young adulthood, as well as in the way professionals working with young people deal with issues of intimacy and sexuality. She is co-leader of the thematic network 15 "Sociology of Youth" of the French Sociology Association with Arthur Vuattoux. She conducts her work in close collaboration with associations and social workers.


Philippe Askenazy: Director of Research at the CNRS and Professor attached to the Economics Department of the ENS, Philippe Askenazy works on changes in work and economic and social performance. In the context of the Covid epidemic, he is interested as an economist in the consequences of policies to fight the pandemic on young people.


Laurène Chesnel: For nearly ten years an activist with Inter-LGBT, which she represents on the National Advisory Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH). In May 2019, Laurène Chesnel was elected vice-president of the CNCDH for the college of civil society. Within this institution, she is particularly interested in Health issues. She reported in 2018 the opinion "Acting against abuse in the health system: a necessity to respect fundamental rights". During the pandemic, she participated in the animation of an Observatory of the state of health emergency and confinement.


Tom Chevalier: CNRS research fellow at the Arènes laboratory since October 2019. His research focuses on public policies (social policies, education policies, and employment policies) for young people in Europe, as well as on poverty and the relationship to politics among young people. He is notably the author of the book La jeunesse dans tous ses États, published in 2018 by Presses Universitaires de France.


Patricia Loncle: Professor of sociology and holder of the research chair on youth at EHESP, She leads the teaching unit "Youth Policies in Europe". Her work focuses on the commitment of young people in Europe and on the housing of exiled people.


Stéphanie Vandentorren: Epidemiologist, doctor of science and holder of a habilitation to direct research. She is the coordinator of the social and territorial inequalities in health program at the Scientific and International Department of Santé publique France and a researcher affiliated with the University of Bordeaux (Bordeaux Population Health) in social epidemiology. She has conducted various population-based studies on the social determinants of health and health care utilization. She was strongly involved in the design and launch of the ELFE cohort, a research program on child development. She has conducted several novel social epidemiology projects, particularly with vulnerable populations, such as a study on the mental health of homeless mothers and children and a study on the health and healthcare use of Travellers. She has directed several epidemiological surveys during health crises. She initiated and led the IMPACTS study on the mental health consequences of the January 2015 attacks and has been involved in various studies documenting social inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the CONFEADO study on children's experiences of confinement during the COVID-19 epidemic.  


Arthur Vuattoux: Senior lecturer in sociology at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord, UFR Santé, Médecine, Biologie Humaine, member of the Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux (IRIS - EHESS, USPN, CNRS, Inserm). His current research focuses on isolated foreign youth (living conditions: health, social protection, education) and on young people's relationship with the social state. He is also co-director of the Réseau thématique 15 (Sociologie de la jeunesse) of the Association française de sociologie (AFS), with Yaëlle Amsellem Mainguy.

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